Episode 004: Power of Positivity — Troy Druppal


This week’s guest has been named a warrior for multiple reasons. In a recent ad for Modelo Beer in which he was featured, Troy touched upon his career with the warriors, his fight to overcome a rare form of cancer, and his advocacy work for disabled communities.

But in episode 4 Troy digs deep: he shares high school memories about the coach and basketball team that made him feel supported in his fight with cancer, and how those team experiences have since influenced his positive mindset.

Throughout E004host Pershanté is noticeably floored by the strength of his guest, and you will be too. Several years ago Troy made the decision to stop taking chemotherapy, and chose instead, to make the most of his life by incorporating a healthy lifestyle that includes:

•positive outlook

•vegetarian diet

•regular meditation practice

•close network of family & friends

•meaningful career that allows him to do what he loves for a living: play basketball & increase awareness on disable communities.


Episode 005: TEAM Inc. — Anwar McQueen


Episode 003: Shot on iPhone — Omeez Jones